Downloadable eBooks and AudiobooksWhat are eBooks?An eBook is an electronic copy of a book that can be read on the screen of your computer or handheld devices known as eBook readers. Free eBook Download OptionsJust as with printed books, when it comes to affordable e-book reading, the Woodward Memorial Library is a rich resource. Checking out eBooks from the Library costs nothing. All it requires is a free Library account and PIN. There are more than a thousand eBooks that you can download to your home computer and transfer to a variety of portable eBook-reading devices. Our collections of downloadable eBooks are provided to the Library through the Nioga Library System and a service called OverDrive. Overdrive eBooks are compatible with Kindles, Sony Readers, Nooks, Kobos, Apple devices (such as the iPad), and several other eReaders. For a more detailed list of compatible operating systems and devices, please visit the OverDrive Device Resource Center. eBooks may be checked out for 14 days; after that time, they will no longer play or open. You can check out two titles at any given time. You can place two items on hold at a time. You never have to return a title or worry about overdue fines! Software is required to use the eBooks on your computer or device. Read the Quick Start Guide for more information. To access digital eBooks in the Catalog, you will need:
What is an eAudiobook?An eAudiobook is similar to a book on CD, downloaded as a computer file. You can listen to the file directly from your computer or transfer it to a compatible handheld device (i.e. a MP3 player). Free eAudiobook Download OptionsWoodward Memorial Library is pleased to offer some of the latest bestsellers, book club favorites, award winning authors, and other eAudio content from OverDrive. Checking out audiobooks from the Library costs nothing. All it requires is a free Library account and PIN. You can download digital audio books to your PC, laptop, and compatible audio device, including MP3 players and iPods. For a more detailed list of compatible operating systems and devices, please visit the OverDrive Device Resource Center. eAudiobooks may be checked out for 14 days; after that time, they will no longer play or open. You can check out two titles at any given time. You can place two items on hold at a time. You never have to return a title or worry about overdue fines! To access digital audiobooks in the eAudio Catalog, you will need: