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Recommended Reading Lists

Looking for something to read?  Are you a fan of mysteries?  Romance?  Or do you want to try something entirely new?  Well, take a look at some of these recommended reading resources and start down the path to your next great read!

WML Booklists

Interactive recommended reading lists from librarians, including WML staff picks and multiple genre selections. 

A comprehensive resource of book recommendations and information.  Log on using your library card and pin number.  Search by author, title, series, plots, or even books like the one you just finished. Browse lists of award winners, lists of genres, and lists based on age. Create and save lists of your own favorites. Find book discussion guides and more.

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BookLetters Recommended Reading Newsletters 

Woodward Memorial Library | 7 Wolcott Street | LeRoy , New York 14482 | 585-768-8300