The following is a list of commonly asked questions. You can select a particular question or continue down the page to view all content.
Checkout periods are as follows:
- Books, magazines, and audio books can be checked out for a 3 week loan period.
- Newly released adult fiction and non-fiction books can be checked out for a 14 day loan period.
- Newly released movies or movies that are new to the WML collection can be taken out for a 7 day loan period. There is a 3 title limit per person.
- Other DVDs can be checked out for a 14 day loan period. There is a 10 title limit per patron.
- Music CDs can be checked out for a 14 day loan period.
Due dates are listed on the receipt you receive when you check out materials. You can also check your due dates by logging on to your online account. Items are due before closing on the date listed. (View WML hours).
Library materials checked out from WML should be returned to WML or any of the 21 library locations in the Nioga System.
You can find out which magazine titles WML owns by viewing the list of magazines.
Basic guidelines for computer use at WML include:
- A 60 minute time limit on all standard public computer terminals.
- Time limits may be extended for another 60 minutes if no reservations have been made for that terminal, but will not exceed 2 hours per day.
- Public internet access is for adults 18 years of age. If you are under 18 years of age, a computer access card must be signed in the presence of a parent or legal guardian and a librarian.
- Black and white copies cost $.15 per page; color copies cost $.50 per page.
- Patrons must have a library card from any of the libraries in the Nioga System in order to use WML computers. Temporary internet guest cards for non-residents may be issued at the discretion of WML staff.
You can view additional guidelines for computer use.
Library staff is available during all open hours to help you locate your informational and leisure reading needs. Call your WML or stop by. Woodward Memorial Library has a variety of online and research databases available for our users. Some of these resources are also available from your home or office PC.
A PIN is your Personal Identification Number. The PIN adds an extra security layer for the protection of your patron information.
If this is your first time accessing the catalog, you have been assigned a temporary PIN. The temporary PIN is the last five digits of your card number.
To change your PIN, click on the link User Pin Change under My Library Account (or click here). Enter your library card number, without the spaces, and use your temporary PIN.
Now create your new PIN. You can use up to ten letters and/or numbers for your PIN. Re-enter your new PIN and then click the Change Pin button.
Please keep track of your new PIN. If you forget your PIN, or the temporary PIN does not work, you will need to call 585-768-8300 or visit the Woodward Memorial Library.
Yes, we offer free wireless Internet (Wi-Fi) access at WML. For more detailed information, including hardware requirements and how to connect, see our Wi-Fi policy.
If you've lost your library card or believe your card to be stolen, please visit WML. There is a small fee ($1.00) for the replacement card. Please note that failure to promptly report a lost or stolen card may result in fines for library materials illegally checked out on your card by an unauthorized user.
Items may be renewed once, except for any new items, DVDs or items on hold for another patron. You may renew by calling WML at 585-768-8300 or login to your online account.
You can search the entire catalog of library owned items by visiting the online catalog. You can also call and talk to your friendly neighborhood librarian at 585-768-8300!
In order to get a Woodward Memorial Library card, you must live within the Nioga Library System (Genesee, Orleans, or Niagara counties) or work in LeRoy. If you are in the Nioga service area, bring a valid NYS driver's license with photo ID OR two documents verifying current residence to WML. Children under fourteen years of age must obtain written consent (co-signer on registration card) by a parent or guardian in order to obtain a library card. After completing a short form, you will be issued a library card. This library card is valid at 21 libraries in NYS as part of the Nioga Library System. You may obtain a WML card if you are not in the Nioga Service area, but you will be charged $40 annually.
If library materials are returned past their due date, fines will be accrued and noted in your library account.
Adult and Children’s materials - $.10 a day, up to a $5.00 maximum.
DVDs - $1.00 a day, up to a $10.00 maximum.
Children's DVDs - $.10 a day, up to $5.00 maximum.
Borrowing privileges are suspended when fines on returned or currently checked out materials are $5.00 or more. Lost items will be charged the cost of the replacement and a $3.00 processing fee.
If the item you want is not available at our library, it can usually be borrowed from another library for you or you can request that the library purchase it. Materials can be borrowed from one of our Nioga libraries and delivered to your local branch at no charge. You may request inter-library loans by visiting, calling or placing the request through the online catalog.