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The Woodward Memorial Library offers services and materials for the physically handicapped or blind patron. From free home delivery of library materials to large-print and audiobooks, WML is here to serve you!

A program to provide library services to homebound citizens is available.  Library books, audiobooks and movies are available to residents who are physically unable to come to the Library due to a permanent or temporary illness or disability.  Patrons interested in receiving materials from the Library may fill out a form indicating subject areas of interest to them and preferred drop-off times.  Volunteers will drop off and pick up the materials at your home.  If you are interested in receiving the service or know of someone who could benefit, pick-up the interest survey or call the Library and one will be sent to you (768-8300).  Recipients of the service must residents of the LeRoy School District.

Don't forget to browse our large selection of large print and audiobook titles.

Woman standing in front of house door delivering books
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